6 July 2024
Friday Morning Prayers to End the Week Strong

Friday Morning Prayers to End the Week Strong

Do you want to end your week strong and prepare for the weekend ahead? Do you want to experience God’s blessings and guidance in your life? Do you want to grow in your faith and achieve your goals for the weekend?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to start praying these 15 powerful Friday morning prayers today.

In this article, I will share with you a list of 15 powerful Friday morning prayers that will help you to end the week strong and prepare for the weekend ahead. I will also explain the meaning and purpose of Friday morning prayers, and give you some tips on how to use them effectively.

But first, let me tell you a personal story about how Friday morning prayers have changed my life.

How Friday Morning Prayers Changed My Life

I used to struggle with ending my week on a positive note. I would often feel stressed, tired, and overwhelmed by the tasks and challenges that I had to face during the week. I would also feel anxious and uncertain about the weekend ahead. I would wonder if I would have enough time, energy, and resources to do everything that I wanted to do.

Then, one day, I came across a blog post about Friday morning prayers. It said that Friday morning prayers are a great way to start the weekend off on the right foot and to set the tone for a blessed and fulfilling weekend. It said that Friday morning prayers can help us to thank God for His goodness and faithfulness during the week, to ask Him for His guidance and protection for the weekend, and to commit our plans and goals to Him.


I decided to give it a try. I started praying these Friday morning prayers every Friday morning before I started my day. And let me tell you, it made a huge difference in my life.

I noticed that I felt more peaceful, joyful, and confident at the end of the week. I felt more grateful for what God had done for me during the week, and more hopeful for what He had in store for me during the weekend. I felt more connected to God and more aligned with His will for my life.

I also noticed that I achieved more of my goals and enjoyed more of my activities during the weekend. I felt more productive, creative, and motivated to do the things that mattered to me. I felt more relaxed, refreshed, and rejuvenated by the end of the weekend.

Friday morning prayers have truly changed my life for the better. And I believe they can change yours too.

That’s why I want to share with you these 15 powerful Friday morning prayers that will help you to end the week strong and prepare for the weekend ahead.

What are Friday Morning Prayers?

Friday morning prayers are prayers that we pray on Friday mornings to thank God for His goodness and faithfulness during the week, to ask Him for His guidance and protection for the weekend, and to commit our plans and goals to Him.


Friday morning prayers are based on the biblical principle that we should pray in the morning as a way of starting our day with God. The Bible says:

  • “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” (Psalm 5:3)
  • “Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.” (Psalm 143:8)
  • “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” (Mark 1:35)

Praying in the morning helps us to acknowledge God as our source of strength, wisdom, and grace. It helps us to express our gratitude, praise, and worship to Him. It helps us to seek His direction, provision, and intervention in our lives. It helps us to surrender our worries, fears, and doubts to Him. It helps us to align our thoughts, words, and actions with His will.

Praying on Friday mornings is especially important because it helps us to end our week strong and prepare for our weekend ahead. It helps us to reflect on what God has done for us during the week, and what He wants us to do during the weekend. It helps us to set our priorities, goals, and plans for the weekend according to His purpose. It helps us to invite His presence, power, and peace into our weekend activities.

Friday morning prayers can help us to start our weekend off on the right foot and to set the tone for a blessed and fulfilling weekend.

15 Powerful Friday Morning Prayers

Here are 15 powerful Friday morning prayers that you can pray today:

1. A Friday Morning Prayer of Thanksgiving

A Friday Morning Prayer of Thanksgiving
A Friday Morning Prayer of Thanksgiving

Lord, I thank You for this Friday morning. I thank You for bringing me to the end of this week. I thank You for all the blessings and challenges that You have given me during this week. I thank You for Your grace and mercy that have sustained me through it all. I thank You for Your love and faithfulness that have never failed me. I thank You for Your presence and power that have been with me every step of the way.

Lord, I praise You for who You are and what You have done for me. I praise You for being my Creator, Redeemer, Provider, Protector, Healer, Teacher, Friend, and Father. I praise You for being my Lord, Savior, King, Master, Leader, Guide, and Shepherd. I praise You for being my God, my Rock, my Refuge, my Fortress, my Strength, my Hope, and my Joy.

Lord, I worship You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. I worship You in spirit and in truth. I worship You with gratitude and awe. I worship You with reverence and honor. I worship You with adoration and devotion.

Lord, I thank You for this Friday morning. I thank You for this opportunity to end this week with a grateful heart and a joyful spirit. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

2. A Friday Morning Prayer of Guidance

A Friday Morning Prayer of Guidance
A Friday Morning Prayer of Guidance

Lord, I ask You for Your guidance for this weekend. I ask You to show me Your will and Your way for my life. I ask You to lead me by Your Spirit and by Your Word. I ask You to direct my steps and to order my paths.

Lord, I need Your wisdom and understanding to make the right decisions and choices for this weekend. I need Your insight and discernment to know what is good and pleasing to You. I need Your counsel and advice to know what is best and beneficial for me.

Lord, I want Your purpose and plan to be fulfilled in my life this weekend. I want Your glory and honor to be displayed in my life this weekend. I want Your kingdom and righteousness to be established in my life this weekend.

Lord, I ask You for Your guidance for this weekend. I ask You to help me to follow Your lead and to obey Your voice. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

3. A Friday Morning  Prayer of Protection

A Friday Morning  Prayer of Protection
A Friday Morning  Prayer of Protection

Lord, I pray for Your protection over this weekend. I pray that You would keep me safe from all harm and danger. I pray that You would shield me from all evil and trouble. I pray that You would guard me from all attacks and threats.

Lord, I trust in Your power and authority to protect me from all enemies and adversaries. I trust in Your name and promises to protect me from all fears and worries. I trust in Your love and care to protect me from all hurts and pains.

Lord, I rely on Your presence and peace to protect me from all stress and anxiety. I rely on Your grace and mercy to protect me from all sin and temptation. I rely on Your blood and victory to protect me from all curses and bondage.

Lord, I pray for Your protection over this weekend. I pray that You would cover me with Your wings and hide me under Your shadow. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

4. A Friday Morning Prayer of Commitment

A Friday Morning Prayer of Commitment
A Friday Morning Prayer of Commitment

Lord, I commit myself to You this weekend. I commit my time, energy, and resources to You this weekend. I commit my plans, goals, and dreams to You this weekend.

Lord, I surrender myself to Your will this weekend. I surrender my thoughts, words, and actions to Your will this weekend. I surrender my desires, expectations, and outcomes to Your will this weekend.

Lord, I dedicate myself to Your service this weekend. I dedicate my gifts, talents, and abilities to Your service this weekend. I dedicate my opportunities, relationships, and influence to Your service this weekend.

Lord, I commit myself to You this weekend. I commit myself to love You with all that I am and all that I have. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

5. A Friday Morning Prayer of Blessing

Lord, I ask You to bless me this weekend. I ask You to bless me with Your favor and grace this weekend. I ask You to bless me with Your provision and abundance this weekend.

A Friday Morning Prayer of Blessing
A Friday Morning Prayer of Blessing

Lord, I ask You to bless me with health and healing this weekend. I ask You to bless me with strength and energy this weekend. I ask You to bless me with peace and joy this weekend.

Lord, I ask You to bless me with wisdom and knowledge this weekend. I ask You to bless me with creativity and productivity this weekend. I ask You to bless me with success and achievement this weekend.

Lord, I ask You to bless me with love and friendship this weekend. I ask You to bless me with family and community this weekend. I ask You to bless me with faith and hope this weekend.

Lord, I ask You to bless me this weekend. I ask You to bless me according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

6. A Friday Morning Prayer of Praise

A Friday Morning Prayer of Praise
A Friday Morning Prayer of Praise

Lord, I praise You for this weekend. I praise You for the gift of life and breath that You have given me this weekend. I praise You for the gift of salvation and grace that You have given me this weekend.

Lord, I praise You for Your goodness and kindness that You have shown me this weekend. I praise You for Your miracles and wonders that You have done for me this weekend. I praise You for Your answers and solutions that You have provided for me this weekend.

Lord, I praise You for Your beauty and majesty that You have displayed this weekend. I praise You for Your creation and nature that You have revealed this weekend. I praise You for Your art and music that You have inspired this weekend.

Lord, I praise You for this weekend. I praise You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

7. A Friday Morning Prayer of Confession

A Friday Morning Prayer of Confession
A Friday Morning Prayer of Confession

Lord, I confess my sins to You this weekend. I confess the sins of my thoughts, words, and actions that I have committed this weekend. I confess the sins of my omissions, commissions, and transgressions that I have committed this weekend.

Lord, I repent of my sins before You this weekend. I repent of the sins that have hurt You and grieved Your Spirit this weekend. I repent of the sins that have harmed myself and others this weekend.

Lord, I ask for Your forgiveness for my sins this weekend. I ask for Your forgiveness based on Your mercy and grace this weekend. I ask for Your forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ this weekend.

Lord, I confess my sins to You this weekend. I confess them with a humble and contrite heart. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

8. A Friday Morning Prayer of Intercession

A Friday Morning Prayer of Intercession
A Friday Morning Prayer of Intercession

Lord, I intercede for others this weekend. I intercede for my family and friends who need Your help and intervention this weekend. I intercede for my neighbors and colleagues who need Your love and compassion this weekend.

Lord, I intercede for the people who are suffering and struggling this weekend. I intercede for the people who are sick and in pain this weekend. I intercede for the people who are oppressed and persecuted this weekend.

Lord, I intercede for the people who are lost and in darkness this weekend. I intercede for the people who are unsaved and unchurched this weekend. I intercede for the people who are backslidden and lukewarm this weekend.

Lord, I intercede for others this weekend. I intercede with a burdened and passionate heart. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

9. A Friday Morning Prayer of Petition

A Friday Morning Prayer of Petition
A Friday Morning Prayer of Petition

Lord, I petition You for my needs this weekend. I petition You for my physical needs this weekend. I petition You for my emotional needs this weekend. I petition You for my mental needs this weekend.

Lord, You are my Provider and my Helper. You are able to supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus. You are able to do immeasurably more than all I ask or imagine, according to Your power that is at work within me.

Lord, I trust in Your promises and Your faithfulness. You have said that You will never leave me nor forsake me. You have said that You will meet all my needs according to Your glorious riches in Christ Jesus. You have said that You will give me the desires of my heart if I delight myself in You.

Lord, I petition You for my needs this weekend. I petition You with a confident and expectant heart. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

10. A Friday Morning Prayer of Thanksgiving

A Friday Morning Prayer of Thanksgiving
A Friday Morning Prayer of Thanksgiving

Lord, I thank You for answering my prayers this weekend. I thank You for hearing my voice and listening to my requests this weekend. I thank You for granting me Your favor and grace this weekend.

Lord, I acknowledge Your goodness and kindness in my life this weekend. I acknowledge Your miracles and wonders in my life this weekend. I acknowledge Your answers and solutions in my life this weekend.

Lord, I testify of Your power and glory in my life this weekend. I testify of Your healing and deliverance in my life this weekend. I testify of Your victory and breakthrough in my life this weekend.

Lord, I thank You for answering my prayers this weekend. I thank You with a grateful and joyful heart. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

11. A Friday Morning Prayer of Worship

A Friday Morning Prayer of Worship
A Friday Morning Prayer of Worship

Lord, I worship You for who You are this weekend. I worship You for being the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. I worship You for being the King of kings and the Lord of lords, the Most High and the Almighty, the Holy One and the Living God.

Lord, I worship You for what You have done this weekend. I worship You for creating me in Your image and likeness, for redeeming me by Your blood and grace, for transforming me by Your Spirit and Word. I worship You for saving me from sin and death, for delivering me from evil and bondage, for healing me from sickness and pain.

Lord, I worship You for how You love me this weekend. I worship You for loving me with an everlasting love, with a faithful love, with a sacrificial love. I worship You for loving me unconditionally, unreservedly, unceasingly.

Lord, I worship You for who You are this weekend. I worship You with all that I am and all that I have. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

12. A Friday Morning Prayer of Surrender

A Friday Morning Prayer of Surrender
A Friday Morning Prayer of Surrender

Lord, I surrender to You this weekend. I surrender my will to Your will this weekend. I surrender my heart to Your heart this weekend. I surrender my life to Your life this weekend.

Lord, You are my Lord and Master. You are my King and Leader. You are my God and Father.

Lord, You know what is best for me. You want what is good for me. You have what is perfect for me.

Lord, I surrender to You this weekend. I surrender to Your authority and sovereignty. I surrender to Your love and grace. I surrender to Your purpose and plan.

Lord, I surrender to You this weekend. I surrender with a humble and obedient heart. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

13. A Friday Morning Prayer of Faith

A Friday Morning Prayer of Faith
A Friday Morning Prayer of Faith

Lord, I believe in You this weekend. I believe in Your existence and reality. I believe in Your power and authority. I believe in Your love and grace.

Lord, I trust in You this weekend. I trust in Your promises and faithfulness. I trust in Your wisdom and understanding. I trust in Your provision and protection.

Lord, I hope in You this weekend. I hope in Your presence and peace. I hope in Your glory and honor. I hope in Your future and eternity.

Lord, I believe in You this weekend. I believe with a childlike and simple heart. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

14. A Friday Morning Prayer of Joy

A Friday Morning Prayer of Joy
A Friday Morning Prayer of Joy

Lord, I rejoice in You this weekend. I rejoice in Your goodness and kindness. I rejoice in Your miracles and wonders. I rejoice in Your answers and solutions.

Lord, I celebrate with You this weekend. I celebrate with praise and thanksgiving. I celebrate with songs and music. I celebrate with laughter and smiles.

Lord, I delight in You this weekend. I delight in Your beauty and majesty. I delight in Your creation and nature. I delight in Your art and music.

Lord, I rejoice in You this weekend. I rejoice with a joyful and glad heart. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

15. A Friday Morning Prayer of Peace

Lord, I receive Your peace this weekend. I receive Your peace that surpasses all understanding. I receive Your peace that guards my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. I receive Your peace that calms my storms and quiets my soul.

Lord, I rest in Your peace this weekend. I rest in Your presence and comfort. I rest in Your arms and embrace. I rest in Your words and promises.

Lord, I share Your peace this weekend. I share Your peace with my family and friends. I share Your peace with my neighbors and colleagues. I share Your peace with the world and the nations.

Lord, I receive Your peace this weekend. I receive it with a peaceful and serene heart. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

A Friday Morning Prayer of Peace
A Friday Morning Prayer of Peace

Tips for Using the Prayers Effectively

Now that you have these 15 powerful Friday morning prayers, how can you use them effectively? Here are some tips to help you:

  • Pray together as a family. Praying together as a family can strengthen your bond and unity. It can also help you to support and encourage each other. You can choose one or more of these prayers to pray together every Friday morning, or you can take turns to pray your own prayers based on these prayers.
  • Pray in private. Praying in private can help you to have a personal and intimate relationship with God. It can also help you to focus and concentrate on your prayers. You can find a quiet and comfortable place to pray these prayers every Friday morning, or you can pray them silently in your heart throughout the day.
  • Journal your prayers. Journaling your prayers can help you to express your thoughts and feelings to God. It can also help you to remember and reflect on your prayers. You can write down these prayers in a notebook or a diary every Friday morning, or you can write down your own prayers inspired by these prayers.

When life gets busy, it’s easy to lose track of time and forget to pray. However, maintaining a consistent prayer routine is crucial for deepening our spiritual connection. One way to enhance the power of our prayers is through the use of custom sticker.

These stickers can feature personalized prayer words, prayer names, or religious symbols, serving as gentle reminders to keep our prayer life active. You can place these stickers on your electronic devices, notebooks, or water bottles.

By decorating your belongings with these meaningful symbols, you’ll be reminded to stay committed to your prayers throughout the day.

Final thoughts

Friday morning prayers are a great way to end your week strong and prepare for the weekend ahead. They can help you to thank God for His goodness and faithfulness during the week, to ask Him for His guidance and protection for the weekend, and to commit your plans and goals to Him.

In this article, I have shared with you a list of 15 powerful Friday morning prayers that will help you to end the week strong and prepare for the weekend ahead. I have also given you some tips on how to use them effectively.

But don’t just take my word for it. Try them out for yourself and see what God will do in your life.


Do you have any personal stories about how Friday morning prayers have impacted your life? If so, I would love to hear from you. Please leave a comment below and share your story with me and other readers.

Thank you for reading this post. I hope it has blessed you and inspired you to start praying these Friday morning prayers today.

May God bless you richly as you end your week strong and prepare for the weekend ahead. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


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