20 Prayers for strength and courage in difficult times for family to Keep Your Faith and Support Your Loved Ones When Life Gets Hard

Prayers for strength and courage in difficult times for family

Life is full of challenges and uncertainties. Sometimes, we may feel overwhelmed by the difficulties we face, such as illness, loss, conflict, or stress. In these times, we need to turn to God for strength and courage. He is our refuge and our help, and He promises to be with us always.

Praying to God can help us to find peace, comfort, and hope in the midst of our troubles. Praying can also help us to support our family members who are going through hard times. We can intercede for them, ask God to bless them, and express our love and gratitude for them. Put together on this post are 20 prayers for strength and courage in difficult times for your family, to help you keep your faith and support your loved ones when life gets hard.

What is family?

Family is the group of people who are related to us by blood, marriage, or adoption. Family can also include those who are not biologically related to us, but who share a strong bond of love, care, and support with us. Family is the foundation of our lives, the source of our identity, and the place where we belong.

Why is family important?

Family is important because it provides us with emotional, physical, social, and spiritual support. Family helps us to grow, learn, and develop as individuals. Family also helps us to cope with the challenges and difficulties that we face in life. Family is the first and most influential teacher of our values, morals, and beliefs.

The importance of strength and courage in difficult times.

Life is full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, successes and failures. Sometimes, we may encounter situations that test our faith, challenge our resilience, and threaten our well-being. These situations may include illness, loss, conflict, violence, injustice, or oppression. In these difficult times, we need strength and courage to overcome our fears, doubts, and worries. We need strength and courage to endure the pain, suffering, and hardship. We need strength and courage to stand up for what is right, to fight for what is good, and to hope for what is better.

How prayer can help us to maintain our faith and support our loved ones during difficult times.

Prayer is the communication between us and God. Prayer is the expression of our thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires to God. Prayer is also the listening to God’s voice, guidance, and will for us. Prayer can help us to maintain our faith and support our loved ones during difficult times in many ways. Prayer can help us to:

  • Acknowledge God’s presence, power, and sovereignty in our lives.
  • Seek God’s help, protection, and provision for ourselves and our family.
  • Thank God for His blessings, grace, and mercy in our lives.
  • Praise God for His goodness, greatness, and glory.
  • Confess our sins, mistakes, and weaknesses to God.
  • Ask God for His forgiveness, healing, and restoration.
  • Submit our plans, decisions, and actions to God.
  • Trust God’s promises, purposes, and plans for us.
  • Surrender our fears, worries, and anxieties to God.
  • Receive God’s peace, joy, and love in our hearts.
  • Share God’s love, compassion, and kindness with others.

20 Prayers for Strength and Courage in Difficult Times for Family

In times of difficulty, it can be challenging to stay strong and have the courage to face the obstacles that come our way. However, having faith and support from our loved ones can make all the difference.

Here are 20 prayers that you can use to pray for strength and courage in difficult times for yourself and your family. You can also personalize these prayers by adding your own words and requests.

1. A Prayer for Strength and Courage

A Prayer for Strength and CourageLord, I come to You today in need of Your strength and courage.
I feel weak and afraid, and I don’t know what to do.
Please fill me with Your power and presence, and help me to face this situation with faith and confidence. Remind me of Your promises, and assure me of Your love.
Thank You that You are with me always, and that nothing can separate me from You. Amen.

2. A Prayer for Peace and Comfort

A Prayer for Peace and ComfortLord, I come to You today in need of Your peace and comfort.
I feel anxious and troubled, and I don’t know how to cope.
Please calm my mind and heart, and give me Your peace that surpasses all understanding. Comfort me with Your presence, and help me to trust in You.
Thank You that You are the Prince of Peace, and that You care for me. Amen.

3. A Prayer for Hope and Joy

A Prayer for Hope and JoyLord, I come to You today in need of Your hope and joy.
I feel depressed and hopeless, and I don’t know how to move forward.
Please fill me with Your hope that does not disappoint, and give me Your joy that is my strength.
Lift up my spirit, and help me to see Your goodness and faithfulness in my life.
Thank You that You are the God of hope, and that You fill me with all joy and peace as I believe in You. Amen.

4. A Prayer for Wisdom and Guidance

A Prayer for Wisdom and GuidanceLord, I come to You today in need of Your wisdom and guidance. I feel confused and lost, and I don’t know what to do. Please give me Your wisdom that is pure and peaceable, and guide me in Your truth. Show me Your will, and help me to follow Your lead. Thank You that You are the source of all wisdom, and that You direct my steps. Amen.


5. A Prayer for Healing and Restoration

A Prayer for Healing and RestorationLord, I come to You today in need of Your healing and restoration. I feel sick and broken, and I don’t know how to heal. Please touch me with Your healing hand, and restore me to wholeness. Heal my body, mind, soul, and spirit, and make me whole again. Thank You that You are the Lord who heals me, and that You restore my soul. Amen.

6. A Prayer for Protection and Safety

A Prayer for Protection and SafetyLord, I come to You today in need of Your protection and safety. I feel vulnerable and threatened, and I don’t know how to protect myself or my family. Please surround me with Your angels, and shield me from any harm or danger. Protect my family from any evil or trouble, and keep them safe under Your wings. Thank You that You are my refuge and fortress, and that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Amen.

7. A Prayer for Provision and Abundance

A Prayer for Provision and AbundanceLord, I come to You today in need of Your provision and abundance. I feel poor and lacking, and I don’t know how to meet my needs or my family’s needs. Please provide for me according to Your riches in glory, and bless me with more than enough. Provide for my family according to their needs, and bless them with abundance. Thank You that You are my provider and my shepherd, and that You supply all my needs according to Your glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Amen.

8. A Prayer for Forgiveness and Reconciliation

A Prayer for Forgiveness and ReconciliationLord, I come to You today in need of Your forgiveness and reconciliation. I feel guilty and ashamed, and I don’t know how to make amends or restore relationships. Please forgive me for all my sins, and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Forgive me for hurting or offending others, and cleanse me from all bitterness or resentment. Help me to forgive others as You have forgiven me, and reconcile me with those whom I have wronged or estranged. Thank You that You are my forgiver and my reconciler, and that You have removed my sins as far as the east is from the west. Amen.

9. A Prayer for Grace and Mercy

A Prayer for Grace and MercyLord, I come to You today in need of Your grace and mercy. I feel unworthy and condemned, and I don’t know how to receive Your favor or compassion. Please shower me with Your grace that is sufficient for me, and have mercy on me according to Your lovingkindness. Help me to accept Your grace that saves me by faith, and receive Your mercy that renews me every morning.
Thank You that You are the God of all grace, and that You do not treat me as my sins deserve. Amen.

10. A Prayer for Love and Unity

A Prayer for Love and UnityLord, I come to You today in need of Your love and unity. I feel lonely and isolated, and I don’t know how to connect or belong. Please fill me with Your love that is patient and kind, and bind me with Your Spirit that is one. Help me to love You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love my neighbor as myself. Help me to be one with You and one with Your people, as You are one with the Father and the Spirit. Thank You that You are love, and that You have loved me with an everlasting love. Amen.

11. A Prayer for Faith and Trust

A Prayer for Faith and TrustLord, I come to You today in need of Your faith and trust. I feel doubtful and fearful, and I don’t know how to believe or rely on You. Please increase my faith that can move mountains, and strengthen my trust that can overcome obstacles. Help me to believe in Your promises, and rely on Your power. Help me to trust in Your plan, and depend on Your presence. Thank You that You are faithful, and that You will never leave me nor forsake me. Amen.

12. A Prayer for Courage and Confidence

A Prayer for Courage and ConfidenceLord, I come to You today in need of Your courage and confidence. I feel timid and insecure, and I don’t know how to be bold or assertive. Please give me Your courage that is not afraid of anything, and boost my confidence that is not ashamed of anything. Help me to be courageous in facing my challenges, and confident in expressing my gifts. Help me to be bold in sharing my faith, and assertive in standing up for justice. Thank You that You are my strength, and that You have not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. Amen.

13. A Prayer for Humility and Service

A Prayer for Humility and ServiceLord, I come to You today in need of Your humility and service. I feel proud and selfish, and I don’t know how to be humble or serve others. Please give me Your humility that is not arrogant or boastful, and inspire me with Your service that is not self-seeking or demanding. Help me to be humble in acknowledging my weaknesses, and serve others in meeting their needs. Help me to be like You, who humbled Yourself and became obedient to death, and served us by giving Your life as a ransom for many. Thank You that You are my example and that You exalt those who humble themselves, and reward those who serve others. Amen.

14. A Prayer for Patience and Perseverance

A Prayer for Patience and PerseveranceLord, I come to You today in need of Your patience and perseverance. I feel impatient and frustrated, and I don’t know how to wait or endure. Please give me Your patience that is long-suffering and gentle, and equip me with Your perseverance that is steadfast and resilient. Help me to be patient in waiting for Your timing, and persevere in doing Your will. Help me to be like Job, who was patient in suffering, and persevered in faith. Thank You that You are my helper, and that You give strength to the weary, and increase power to the weak. Amen.

15. A Prayer for Gratitude and Praise

A Prayer for Gratitude and PraiseLord, I come to You today in need of Your gratitude and praise. I feel ungrateful and complaining, and I don’t know how to thank or worship You. Please fill me with Your gratitude that is always thankful, and inspire me with Your praise that is always joyful. Help me to be grateful for all Your blessings, and praise You for all Your works. Help me to be like David, who was grateful for Your goodness, and praised You with all his heart. Thank You that You are my giver, and that every good gift comes from You. Amen.

16. A Prayer for Generosity and Sharing

A Prayer for Generosity and SharingLord, I come to You today in need of Your generosity and sharing. I feel stingy and greedy, and I don’t know how to give or share with others. Please fill me with Your generosity that is always willing to give, and inspire me with Your sharing that is always eager to bless. Help me to be generous with all that You have given me, and share with those who are in need. Help me to be like the widow, who was generous with her last coins, and shared with the prophet. Thank You that You are my source, and that You love a cheerful giver. Amen.

17. A Prayer for Compassion and Kindness

A Prayer for Compassion and KindnessLord, I come to You today in need of Your compassion and kindness. I feel cold and indifferent, and I don’t know how to care or be nice to others. Please fill me with Your compassion that is always moved by the suffering of others, and inspire me with Your kindness that is always doing good to others. Help me to be compassionate toward those who are hurting, and kind toward those who are mistreated. Help me to be like the Samaritan, who was compassionate to the wounded man, and kind to the innkeeper. Thank You that You are my example, and that You are compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love. Amen.

18. A Prayer for Justice and Righteousness

A Prayer for Justice and RighteousnessLord, I come to You today in need of Your justice and righteousness. I feel angry and wronged, and I don’t know how to seek or do what is right. Please fill me with Your justice that is always fair and impartial, and inspire me with Your righteousness that is always pure and holy. Help me to seek justice for those who are oppressed, and do righteousness for those who are pleasing to You. Help me to be like Daniel, who sought justice for the innocent, and did righteousness in the sight of God. Thank You that You are my judge, and that You execute justice and righteousness on earth. Amen.

19. A Prayer for strength and courage in difficult times

A Prayer for Courage and Confidence

20. A Prayer for Contentment and Satisfaction

Lord, I come to You today in need of Your contentment and satisfaction. I feel discontent and dissatisfied, and I don’t know how to be happy or fulfilled. Please fill me with Your contentment that is always grateful, and inspire me with Your satisfaction that is always delighted. Help me to be content with what I have, and satisfied with what You give. Help me to be like Paul, who was content in any situation, and satisfied in Christ alone. Thank You that You are my portion, and that in Your presence there is fullness of joy. Amen.

A Prayer for Contentment and Satisfaction

As you pray these prayers for strength and courage in difficult times for your family, may you find comfort and peace in knowing that God is with you every step of the way. May your faith be strengthened, and may you be a source of support and encouragement for your loved ones as well.

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